Brain Science made simple.
Neuroplasticity made practical.
Behavior change made to last.


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We help coaches and individuals build science-based superpowers

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We offer a course for coaches looking for CCE credits, mastery of practical brain science tools, and/or full Brain Science Certification; as well as for individuals who want to supercharge their personal development journey.

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We've curated, translated, and simplified the most cutting-edge brain and behavioral science, making it accessible, applicable, and downright inspiring! Our life-changing courses are 100% evidence-based.

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Our Brain Science Certified Coaches will train you to understand and apply the most cutting-edge science related to your unique challenges; and master practical, proven tools to achieve change that really lasts.

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So many coaches out there make big, vague promises, but often don’t deliver. Our Brain Science Certified Coaches are trained to use 100% evidence-based tools that help you achieve truly mind-blowing results.

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Get Certified

Through our Brain Science Certification for Coaches, you can become an expert in applied brain and behavioral science, mastering a huge range of practical tools and strategies to help your clients achieve life-changing results.

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Differentiate yourself in a crowded coaching market, supercharge your clients' results, and unlock an avalanche of new client referrals by becoming a Brain Science Certified Coach!

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meet our founder

Rewire your brain, rewire your life.



James Garrett lives and breathes neuroplasticity. “I’ve spent the past 22 years pursuing my fascination with the brain and have gone on some wild adventures trying to understand the outer limits of human potential. I’ve studied, searched, unearthed, unpacked; and relentlessly experimented with this question in my own life.” 

As a researcher, James spent years working with some of the world’s best psychologists in labs at Columbia, Tufts, and Yale Universities, but ultimately left academia to pursue his passion for getting the science of behavior change out of the lab and into people’s lives.

He began by joining the Peace Corps with his wife, Shaylyn Romney Garrett, and together they created an award-winning Arabic language curriculum to teach Carol Dweck’s Mindset research to Jordanian youth. Through their nonprofit, Think Unlimited, they partnered with Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah to train Jordanian public school teachers to implement the first brain-based positive psychology curriculum in the Middle East.

Upon returning to the U.S., James founded Brain by Design and began teaching courses and coaching individuals on how to use the most cutting-edge brain science to achieve their goals. He has coached hundreds of clients–from struggling teens to stressed-out executives–trained thousands of coaches, consulted for top companies, and spoken to audiences worldwide. His broad expertise in behavior change spans multiple disciplines, and his passion for unlocking human potential is infectious. 

James’s knowledge of what it looks and feels like to create lasting change is also deeply personal. Having struggled with OCD since childhood, for James, the idea that the brain could rewire itself was a lifeline, and his deep dive into neuroscience became a healing journey that animates and informs everything he does today. In 2019 he launched the Deep Change Project, a quest to build unshakeable confidence and overcome fear through experimentation with exciting new technologies, ancient mindfulness practices, and a wide array of evidence-based tools.

“I am awed and inspired by the beauty and resilience of the human brain. And I have really wrestled personally with what it means to apply the most cutting-edge brain science to improve mental health, overcome adversity, enhance performance, and unlock the potential of individuals and groups. I absolutely love sharing the hopeful message of neuroplasticity–that we’re not condemned to live within the neurological limits of our birth.”

Welcome to Brain by Design!

Julia Coupal, PCC, BetterUp Coach

"I absolutely loved this course! I felt every element of the teaching was powerful, insightful and 100% usable with clients. This has been the best, most practical CCE course I've ever taken!"

Joanne McCool, ACC, VP, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

"In complete candor, I was one of the people who signed up saying 'I need the CCEs' and now I'm wholeheartedly endorsing the program even if it didn't have a single CCE! The content was strong, evidence-based and well-cited but the value of the course rested in the space created for context, curiosity and appreciative inquiry. This fostered a psychologically safe space for participants to give and receive freely with one another. I left every session with something practical and actionable for my clients."

Sandra Clifton, PCC, Ed.D., Founder of Clifton Corner

"Of all the programs I have taken for professional development, this is THE ONE! I have been wanting an in-depth exploration of many of these issues, and James delivers with a ferociously positive energy that is addictive!"

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curious how brain science can change your life?

Let us teach you how to break any bad habit in just 5 easy steps!

Learn the no-nonsense, science-backed TRUTH about how to break a habit and why it can be so much easier than you ever imagined!
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and you'll discover

The 100% evidence-based 5-step process for breaking an entrenched habit quickly and easily

This science-backed strategy called “behavioral geofencing," which is crucial to getting unstuck

Why quitting cold turkey isn't always the best strategy, and what the science says you should do instead

Why the science shows that you should never trust people who tell you that you can’t have your cake and eat it too!

Why you should never use willpower to break a habit (unless you want to stay stuck MUCH longer than you need to)

What the latest brain science shows about why our brains just won't let go of bad habits, and why quitting is so hard

Bite-Sized Brain Hacks

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